
Considering an acquisition or project? Need some expert advice and guidance? Jackson Colin Associates provides a wide range of consulting including:

  • Site Selection
  • Contractor Selection
  • Architectural and Civil Engineering Design
  • Zoning Ordinance Requirements and Restrictions
  • Due Diligence
  • Inspections / Assessments
  • Environmental Investigation and Compliance
  • Site Plan Approval
  • Zoning Board of Appeals
  • Building Permit

Whether you already have professional service providers, such as real estate brokers, architects, engineers and environmental consultants in place or need referrals to those best suited for your project, we will organize and guide the team with your objectives.

Owner's Representative

During the construction phase of a project the owner's representative does just that, represents the owner. The OR acts on behalf of the Owner or Tenant (end-user) to protect their best interests. Since the OR is independent from the contractors and designers, that have skin in the game, they can put the client's interests first.

This representation serves the entire project team as information is provided in a timely fashion, change orders and delays are minimized and all parties can do the task they are responsible for with minimal conflict. 

Construction Manager

Whether you are an Owner that has a simple project to complete or a Builder that needs a hired gun, Jackson Colin Associates can provide a Construction Manager to oversee your project.

If a business has a project that doesn't require a General Contractor and they want to contract the trades themselves, hiring Jackson Colin Associates to manage the project allows the client to have a specialist in their corner to bring together the right team and guide them through execution. Furthermore, they are not burdening their current staff with tasks outside their expertise and away from generating revenue or adding to their overhead.

General Contractors, Landlords and Developers live in boom and bust cycles. Instead of adding more staff in the good times, it is more cost effective to outsource project management to our firm on a project specific basis. We offer flexible terms based upon scope of work, project complexity and time requirements. Let us fill that talent gap when you're not ready to increase overhead or can't find the right candidate.